Marching workers and citizens salute German Democratic Republic President Wilhelm...HD Stock Footage CriticalPast 1:16 10 years ago 1 036 Далее Скачать
Wilhelm Pieck - The first president of the German Democratic Republic German History w/ a German accent 7:26 2 years ago 1 727 Далее Скачать
GDR Objectified Field Trip: Wilhelm-Pieck-Stadt Guben The GDR Objectified 14:29 5 years ago 2 296 Далее Скачать
Wahlkampfrede Wilhelm Pieck, 1946 (Audio) Sächsisches Staatsarchiv 3:23 6 years ago 2 144 Далее Скачать
7th October 1949: The creation of East Germany, formally known as the German Democratic Republic HistoryPod 2:38 3 years ago 1 994 Далее Скачать
Historisches in Bild und Ton - 1956 Fünfter Jahrestag der Namensgebung "Wilhelm Pieck" der ABF TU BERGAKADEMIE classics 14:33 14 years ago 3 192 Далее Скачать
Segelschulschiff Wilhelm Pieck . Stapellauf 1951. Reichsbahn 1934 1:28 4 years ago 1 011 Далее Скачать
Coin Deutsche Demokratische Republik - DDR Wilhelm Pieck - 20 mark 1972 - Germany THE OLD COIN CHANNEL 1:03 5 years ago 302 Далее Скачать
EJB Werbellinsee (formerly known as Pionierrepublik Wilhelm Pieck") tintobrass 2:39 15 years ago 10 060 Далее Скачать
Helmut Müller: Einschätzungen zum Führungspersonal der frühen DDR zeitzeugen-portal 1:45 13 years ago 17 879 Далее Скачать
Wilhelm Pieck VEB Mansfeld Kombinat Eisleben PROPAGANDA DDR Päsident East Germany Honecker Erich 5:12 12 years ago 2 037 Далее Скачать